Tunjung Mahatmanto S.TP, M.Si, Ph.D.
Universitas Brawijaya
Department of Food Science and Biotechnology
Nowadays, we are in a period of very rapid technological transformation or industrial revolution, which demands high productivity and efficiency in production. In order to deal with this situation, we have to prepare adequate knowledge, skills and adaptability. The Department of Agricultural Product Technology is an important part in the development of human resource, those having hard skills and soft skills in the field of food and biotechnology, as well as those who can wisely utilizing knowledge for the benefit of humanity.
We believe that the strength and future of a nation depends entirely on the quality of human resources. In this case, educational institutions have a vital role in developing the human resources quality. Department of Agricultural Product Technology of Universitas Brawijaya as a center for the development of science and research center’s mission is to create graduates who are competent, or human resources in the field of science, innovative, creative and have a high sense of social responsibility.
Development of innovative technologies will continue to improve by strengthening our research in both food and non-food areas. To that end, a strong cooperation and robust collaboration with different parties will continue to be developed. With the glorious achievements both nationally and internationally, our department will vigorously and increasingly kept going to achieve our goals. We invite all members of the department to work together, to achieve the best and to provide the best for our beloved Indonesia.
Do the Best and be the Best!
Study Programs
The Department of Food Science and Biotechnology, Universitas Brawijaya has 3 (three) study programs that continue to grow and strive to produce quality graduates.



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Podcast IPaBio Menghadirkan Mahasiswi UTM Malaysia
Pendaftaran Aplikasi Tugas Akhir lewat SIAM
Podcast IPaBio Menghadirkan Mahasiswi UTM Malaysia
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